No, we're not here to sell you an eBook. No, this isn’t multi level marketing. And no, this isn’t a scam or one of those too good to be true offers. This isn’t just a site. It’s a movement for everyone fed up with the grind, the ones hustling to get something of their own off the ground, battling paycheck to paycheck or to even get a job point blank period, and tired of being boxed in not able to ever leave your town.
It’s for the ones who’ve been told “this is just how life is” and have refused to accept it. It’s for those of you, maybe your dream turned out not to be your dream, but you’re still striving for something life changing.
Think of it as an online temp agency for the misfits, the dreamers, and the rebels ready to break out of their cages. We hand you a straightforward task, no nonsense. It’s up to you to take it and run. We built this for those who’ve hit rock bottom, for those who want a way out, a way up, and are ready to take it.
Though, not just a temp agency. We're offering a gateway to a remote staffing agency that outsources employees as well. This is the peak of the gig economy, and we cater to all industries. The Matrix is the theatrical expression of the 9 to 5 grind, the traditional workweek, the corporate world, the rat race, the desk job culture, the workaday world, the conventional workforce, the 40 hour workweek society, and the daily commute culture. Not to mention the side hustle that’s hard to initialize and hard to profit from much. If anything, consider this your new side hustle.
Maybe you’re sick of scraping by, stuck in the grip of poverty for so long it feels like you’ll never get out. Or you’re stuck living under someone else’s oppressive, abusive terms, with no one to turn to. Maybe you’ve even faced the heartbreak of homelessness.
If you are determined, we have the answers. Whether you’re surviving on ramen and $0.79 mac and cheese, weighed down by child support like a responsibility well deserved, or left raising kids solo because someone you trusted, someone you loved walked away, leaving you to pick up the pieces with little to no help. For men and fathers, who bear the weight of the world on their shoulders with little to no support, this is for you. Society often overlooks you, dismisses your struggles, and leaves you fighting battles in silence. But you deserve better, you deserve a chance to rebuild, to rise, and to reclaim your life.
We are lost. We are unseen. We do not forgive.